DATING ALCHEMY is for you if...

You are ready to stop dating jerks and the emotionally unavailable and find THE ONE!

Let's get you out of your old, unproductive dating pattern and into a NEW, healthy one that will attract the RIGHT one to you.

Investment for Dating Alchemy

Limited time special price for the first 6 people to sign up!

Paid in Full Option

$1997 $897

Save $63 by paying the full amount today!

Payment Plan - 4 Payments


Secure your spot today for only $240!


What if it doesn't work for you or you find out it's not for you?

I don't want unhappy clients! If you aren't satisfied for any reason, simply email me. You get a no questions asked prorated money back guarantee/no hassle stop payment. You only pay for what you use!

I was in your shoes once...

Where every relationship you’re in ends in heartache, frustration and
wasted time…


You tell yourself that there aren’t any ‘good ones’ left at your age, or that nobody wants a committed relationship anymore, or that it must not be your destiny to be coupled up.

So how do you ever expect to find a great mate if the problem lies in circumstances beyond your control?

My friend, circumstances are NEVER the reason you don't have what you want!

If that were the case, nobody would be able create anything in their life! It'd all be left up to luck and chance.

But that is good news!

Because that means when you find the REAL reason you don't have what you want,
you can course correct, as I did.


Goal Setting and Creating Awareness of the Pattern

The first month is where we really start to get clear on what your dating pattern really is all about.

We'll explore it energetically as well.

We'll also explore where this pattern came from and any underlying beliefs that may be driving it

Gaining Clarity & Releasing the Old

The second month is about getting super clear on what you want.

I know this sounds like something you have already nailed but trust me, I've yet to talk to a client that truly had this down.

We'll talk about what this clarity will do for you energetically.

This month we'll also work on releasing the past; past relationships, past wounding, old beliefs.

Seating New Beliefs & Exploring New Ways of Being

The third month we'll work on re-wiring those old beliefs we uncovered in the first month.

Part of how we do that is through taking new actions to help seat the new beliefs you want to have.

This is the month you work on stretching your comfort zone and shaking up your old energetic patterns.

Taking More Aligned Action

The final month is where you get to take even more aligned action to co-create with the Universe this dream partner.

I'm telling you right now, your ideal partner is NOT going to be found in your current comfort zone (or you'd already have him).

This is what's possible for you:

  • You will feel EMPOWERED through embodiment of the spiritual principles

  • You will understand your current pattern from all angles AND how to shift it

  • You will SHIFT the way you look at busted relationships so you seem them as growth opportunities and as steps closer to what you want

  • You will be dating with more intention so you meet your goal FASTER

  • You will recognize red flags MUCH more quickly AND be willing to move on instead of holding onto something that ultimately isn't aligned with you

  • You will be MUCH more conscious of how you use your energy and show up out in the world

  • You'll have MORE energy because you will no longer be using it trying to be everything for everybody

  • You'll INCLUDE yourself (needs, wants, energy level) in all of your decisions

What's included:

4 Months of Private Coaching

You get 16 hour long private sessions that will follow the Dating Alchemy framework.


You get to be a part of an online community of individuals with the same goals as you.

Student Portal

You'll get access to a student portal that has bonus content and teachings available to you

Bonus: Dating for Introverts

As a bonus, you get my Dating for Introverts course free

Investment for Dating Alchemy

Limited time special price for the first 6 people to sign up!

Paid in Full Option

$1997 $897

Save $63 by paying the full amount today!

Payment Plan - 4 Payments


Secure your spot today for only $240!


If you find out Dating Alchemy is not for you:

I don't want unhappy clients! If you aren't satisfied for any reason, simply email me.

You get a no questions asked prorated money back guarantee/no hassle stop payment

You only pay for what you use.

Who is Dating Alchemy For?

  • Anyone who is currently single and is having trouble meeting enough of the right people

  • You’re tired of all of the games, wasted time, heartache and STARTING OVER!

  • Anyone who is able to regulate their nervous system (meaning you don't get stuck for long in anxiety or depression episodes)

  • Those who love the 'woo' or spiritual element

  • Anyone who wants to find an aligned, attuned, loving partner and is willing to do the work to fast track it

  • You’re a highly independent, successful person yet you seem to meet the wrong kind of people

  • You’re a catch, but the people you date aren’t seeing you as long-term partner material

Who is Dating Alchemy NOT For?

  • It's not for those who fear the 'woo' or things they can't explain. Oracle cards, energy healing, ceremonies, and shamanic practices are a major part of what I do

  • It's not for those that are chronically anxious or depressed (simply because you'll spend your whole time trying to heal that before healing your energy around dating)

  • It's not for those that have a significant amount of trauma and it's affecting their day to day life in a major way (You'll want to pursue traditional counseling first)

  • It's not for those that are still in a relationship. You need to have been able to leave any relationship that is not serving you (Your focus will need to be on your NEXT relationship for this method to work, not on your current one. This club won't help you fix your current relationship)

Frequently Asked Questions

Would I be better off getting therapy?

It depends. If you have experienced so much trauma that its interfering with your day to day life and in many areas of your life, then yes, you should seek a qualified professional. If you have trouble regulating your emotions, meaning you spend a lot of time either being anxious or depressed, then yes, you should seek a qualified professional. To get the most out of this program, you will need to have the skills to return yourself to a more moderate baseline.

I've done this sort of work before and it didn't seem to help me. Should I try again?

Yes, of course you have done work on yourself! And I assure you, it did help even if it was not super noticeable. Self-growth is cyclical. It’s like peeling an onion. You may have only peeled the first layer or two. If you would have gotten to the core of it, you wouldn’t still have this problem. Each time you re-examine an issue and shine light on it in a different way, new pieces of it become ready to be healed and released. Unfortunately, that’s just how healing works. Joining Dating Alchemy could be your chance to heal it for good. There are never any guarantees but if you do the work, you WILL see positive changes.

Will I have to relive past traumas?

No. While we will be working with those things that have hurt us in the past, we work with it in the present. There is no need to dig for pain in order for a shift to occur.

Will I be locked into a contract?

No. You will sign a contract but it’s more service level agreement than contract. It will stipulate what you get and set the expectations on both sides. You can cancel any time if you aren’t satisfied and you’ll be refunded a prorated amount or your payments will be cancelled. No questions asked.

Can I do this work on my own? Why do I need a club or coaching?

Yes, you totally can do this work on your own. I did. But be prepared for it to take you a lot more time to figure it out on your own. Not getting help sooner is one of my biggest regrets because in just MONTHS after I learned how energy works, I met my husband. Why struggle when you don’t have to?

Is this program only for women?


Investment for Dating Alchemy

Limited time special price for the first 6 people to sign up!

Paid in Full Option

$1997 $897

Save $63 by paying the full amount today!

Payment Plan - 4 Payments


Secure your spot today for only $240!

If you are ready to purchase, click below!

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